Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Love List.

I cannot tell you how happy I am that is Wednesday already. I am ready for Friday. This has been another one of those weeks and we are barely mid-week!

There are a lot of things I am loving right now, but especially, the fact that Jack and I will start decorating pretty soon. This Friday actually. I'm sure a lot of you think it's too soon and how dare I not wait until after Thanksgiving? I'm just so excited about all the decorations and the tree and ornaments that we can't help ourselves. My vision of knitted everything is coming to life perfectly. Target and Hobby Lobby have been my greatest allies in achieving my goal. I can't wait to be finished!

I am loving Christmas jammies. They are so cute and they get me in the spirit right away. I've loved looking at all my Instagram mama friends posts of their kiddos in Christmas jammies. They are so cuddly! Reading a book to Button at night in the covers snuggling up is the best. Dr. Seuss Nursery books are his favorite.

Christmas movies. I got the DVD's in the mail and we have already watched Home Alone a couple of times. I will never be bored of it. We also got Christmas Vacation which will be playing all day on Thanksgiving and Christmas. If that doesn't completely get you in the holiday spirit, I don't know what does.

Soups, hot pastas, anything wintry and delicious is on my list. I also, believe it or not, do not own a crock pot so I will be getting one to try my hand at some slow cooked delicious recipes that will save me ten thousand years from cooking after getting off of work. Total win. I made this one pan pasta I found on Pinterest and it was the shit. I will be making this a million times before the year is over. You can find the recipe on my Healthy Cooking board here.

Along with hot soups & pastas, hot coffee and tea are my go-to's. Even in the summer I drink hot coffee sometimes because I just like it better. I've been drinking this Korean tea for years thanks to my mother-in-law and it's my absolute favorite. It's sort of a jelly that you spoon into hot water and stir. It also has lemon peel in it and I take a sip then scoop some of the lemon peel from the bottom. So good. Especially on a cold day.

Last but definitely not least, Target Christmas section. I fell in love with it. Not all sections are my style but pieces from each are and I got ornaments from a couple of them. Hobby Lobby has also been great but I've been more careful there because some of the ornaments and decorations do tend to look too crafty sometimes.

I'm having lunch as I'm typing this and we grilled some steaks with baked potatoes and salad so I'm having leftovers and I realized I forgot my potato. Boo. Tuna salad & baked potato for dinner? I think so :)

Happy Hump Day!


  1. that pasta dish looks delish!!! and Christmas jammies Christmas jammies, I can't get enough!!

    1. Try it! You will love it :) Yes they look so cuddly!

  2. Yes, you NEED a time saver for us busy mamas! :)

    1. I really do! Right? And all those recipes out there!

  3. I'm def hunting up that recipe! Looks yum.
    And, I for one don't think it is too early to start the decorating! Probably because I already started, ha. It takes so much longer with a baby so I figured I needed a head start this year.

    1. I promise you won't be dissapointed! And that's exactly it! We still don't have all the decorations but we have to start somewhere! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Im a pasta junky as you can tell from my Foodie Friday posts lol I will be trying this recipe for sure it looks delicious! Just when I thought your little guy couldn't get any cuter the Christmas Jammies and reading himself a story def did the trick :)

    1. Nice! I'll def check it out! thank you! yeah seriously babies look best in snuggly jammies! :)

  6. Ummmm I really did steal your knitted christmas idea and bought the exact stockings you in your photo!! Thanks for the fab idea!!!

  7. HOME ALONE! AH!!! LOVE! And I must try that soup!!!

    1. Best movie right?! Yes especially on a cold day! :)

  8. crock pot is the best invention ever! loving the little Christmas thigns from target! so cuteeee

  9. So fun!! I'm decorating after Thanksgiving because we will be out of town until Wednesday night (and then we will be at my parents all day on Thanksgiving) so thank goodness I WON'T be able to pull my decor out. I'm not looking forward to scolding Mia all the time to keep her away from the decor! She learns fast though so hopefully I'll only have to tell her no a couple times!

  10. I have nominated you for the Leibster Award :)

  11. Jelly tea? Awesome. I love hot tea too. And I'm totally crushing on Christmas jammies. They are the cutest! I think I've ordered Mac at least 6 pairs!

  12. The Target Christmas section is how I imagine a part of Heaven :)


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