Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Give Me A Break!

Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar! ;) Just wanted to let you all know that it has been an insane past few days so as soon as life slows down and more hours are added to the day I'll be returning with some new posts!! You all are the best!

For now, here's a snap shot of what's been happening lately-

If you follow me on Instagram (shadiabrown) you know that we have eaten.

Gave mama a thumbs up for a dinner so good we ate it with our faces too.

We have bathed. A quick bath in a small tub never hurt anyone.

We have stared at that big green thing in our living room with all those shiny objects and wondered how to get to them.

We have made sure that laundry is getting done and that the dryer is properly working, by watching the clothes dry and making sure that door stays closed.

 We have slept semi soundly.

And then mama drank. Big glass of white wine in a red wine glass with her hubby by her side. I also ate some grapes and Button's string cheese to feel fancy while watching a million episodes of House Hunters. ;)

Stay tuned for a proper and way more interesting and fun post!

We are halfway there!


  1. Love the string cheese, haha!!! That is super fancy!!

  2. I'm in the same boat! Poor my blog :( So neglected....
    Your baby boy is so so cute! :) I loved that thumbs up pic!
    Life with Baby Sophia

  3. Oh girl-pass me some of that wine? Mya is getting molars and it's been a nightmare :( Love the thumbs up ;)

  4. He is sooooo cute, nice share :) Love the food all over his face

  5. Cute socks!

    I could use a few more hours added to the day too. But, only as long as those hours are part of when Aria is sleeping. Those ones I'd take.

  6. that's the sweetest picture of button sleeping!

  7. He is seriously gorg. Just love him!


Thank you for your sweet comments! :)

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