Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Life Lately.

So much has been going on lately that I haven't been able to post so I'll include all the latest happenings in this one.

The weather has been absolutely beautiful over here with the weather girl on the radio saying that we will be having "cooler" days from being in the high seventies to low seventies which I think is hilarious. She should say something like "less warm" but definitely not cooler. Ha. Regardless, it's been beautiful and perfect for spending time outdoors. I have gotten home the past few days and Elliot and Jack are waiting for me outside so we either take a short walk, or take Elliot's little bike outside for him to push, backwards. 

The right way sometimes too.

It all started Friday. I was sick so I spent my day at work feeling like shit until I finally called my boss to tell him I was going home. I got home, ate and slept like a queen. I felt guilty for not picking Elliot up from daycare but I needed this! It felt so good.

Jack and I had lunch at my mom's on Saturday and asked her to watch Elliot for a couple of hours so we could run home and plant some little bushes on the side of the house. It was such a beautiful day to do that and we needed to take advantage. I wasn't feeling great but this had to be done.

We also planted some herbs for cooking! Basil, cilantro and mint are some of our favorites.

This little one has been loving spending all this time outside.

If you follow me in Instagram (shadiabrown) you know that Elliot finally took his first steps! We were at my mom's and all of a sudden my mom called him and he took a couple of steps then she handed him to me and he took a couple more! It was so exciting and sweet! Since then, Jack and I have been practicing with him until he finally feels confident enough to let go of us. So bittersweet!

We also finally weaned him off the bottle. I honestly thought I was going to have a hard time but it wasn't bad at all! At night is when I thought we would struggle but after a few cries and a few nights, he finally gave up and started drinking his nightly bottle from his sippy. Then naturally I practically ran to Target to get him a couple more. I wasn't expecting to do this so soon and I had been half-assing the weaning part. Jack and I would give him the sippy, he would cry, we would give him the bottle. We are so weak! Soo first time parents ;) What finally gave us the push is the fact that the girl at daycare who takes care of him asked me if I was still giving him a bottle because they were having a hard time getting him to drink his milk from his sippy. I, very embarrassed, nodded my head and said I really needed to get on it this time for good. It worked! We are ready to pack all of his bottles to make room for a few more sippies. He's such a big boy!

We have been wanting to cook different meals since we get bored of the same stuff over and over and we decided to make these mini pizzas. They are so easy and quick and delicious. I used whole wheat pita bread, cut it in half (get the pocket pita), spread some pizza sauce and topped it with some of our favorite veggies.

There it is, a quick and short recap. Be ready for some healthy and delicious new recipes! Hope you're having a great middle-of-the-week day! I'll be back soon!


  1. Oh my goodness so many new happenings! I loved his walking video! He is such a sweet little boy. I hope your feeling back to normal. Sometimes you need a nap too so don't feel not picking him up from dc. I am so envious of your herb garden! I'd love to start with that, I'm not good at keeping greenery alive! Lol

  2. Yay! Looking forward to your recipes. Your food always looks so good. And I'm so jealous of your weather right now. I lol'd at the "cooler" temps. We're *finally* starting to get some slightly warmer temps lately, and I cannot wait to get out and do some yard work. But for now, I'll just live through you ;) More warm weather pics please!

  3. I hope you are feeling all good and normal again! I love your mini herbs, I've been thinking of doing the same thing for cooking. Have a great week!

  4. I love recipes because my cooking stinks! haha Congrats on your baby taking his first steps. It is a bittersweet feeling. Hope you're feeling better! xo

  5. How exciting! I remember my daughters first steps. Looking forward to your recipes. Hope you're feeling better chica.

    Sun-Kissed Peony

  6. I'm so happy to be back to blogging and catching up!! Love your family SO much!!


Thank you for your sweet comments! :)

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