Monday, April 14, 2014

Catching Up.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm turning thirty this month or what, but it just seems like everything has been on fast forward I can barely catch up. From now on, I'm turning twenty-nine every year okay? Thanks.

For this birthday, I'm still not sure if I want to celebrate or go on a mini trip with Jack and Elliot. It will probably be the latter.

I am going to admit it, working full time and being a mom is the hardest shit ever. I have zero time for anything. I get home and as soon as my boots are off, I'm making dinner, loading the washer, making dinner for Elliot, cleaning up, preparing lunches for the next day, playing with Elliot, throwing the laundry in the dryer, giving Elliot a bath, putting him to sleep, iron a shirt for Jack if I haven't already, fold the laundry and finally get ready for bed. All in a couple of hours. I get home at five and I'm in bed by nine or nine-thirty. Pure craziness. I'm not saying my life is so hard but it's adjusting that has been so tough aside from the fact that not being at home with Elliot seems to be getting harder and harder for me instead of easier. And although I wouldn't change one bit of it, it has been kind of taking a toll on Jack and I. I have to say I'm pretty darn fortunate to have such a good hubby. He cleans, does laundry and helps me out as much as he can. I have no idea how I would do it without him. Kudos to all of you who do it on your own or with more than one kid!

We have both been getting sick often, something that has never ever happened before. We would get the usual cold that lasted for a few days and that was that. We were done for the season. Now it seems like something is wrong all the time! My head hurts, my stomach hurts, everything hurts! Has this happened to any of you? I know it's also probably because I haven't even lifted a finger to work out and I know I need to get my booty back in shape.

This is why the weekends are saviors!! We look forward to them since Sunday night and not because we don't like working but because we really appreciate that time we have with each other and Elliot. We try to do fun things and be out but we also like to have days where we get to be home and do nothing.

Anyway, these past couple of weekends have been just that with such busy weeks we have been having at work. I'm hoping to go back to my regular blogging pretty soon but I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here! I have a few posts planned so stay tuned!

In the mean time, here's a little pick me up for the beginning of your week. Well, I should say my pick me up. All of you with kids have such beautiful babes and I can't say enough how happy I am to see you guys on my Instagram feed! (@shadiabrown). I also have some blog reading and catching up to do! Have a great week!


  1. I turn 30 in June, so I'm not far behind you. You all may be getting sick more often because of Elliott being in daycare. Kids bring a LOT of germs home. His immune system has probably adjusted because he is there more often. And I definitely relate when you say being away from Elliott is getting harder rather than easier.

  2. It is truly insane how much a person has to cram in during the week, esp a working parent. Not enough hours in the day, or the evening rather. I hope you get a few seconds to breathe soon and it gets easier.

  3. I feel ya! Your 30th will be great, being 30 is a cinch. You're an amazing woman!

  4. Girlfriend. I feel you. I don't know how all you Moms do it. Before kids I had my shit together.. now? I feel like I'm constantly behind on SOMETHING. I can't keep up!

  5. Oh man, you are so busy! HUGE hugs. And, I promise, turning 30 is awesomeeeee :) This decade of life totally rules. xo

  6. Did I ever tell you that Elliot was on our baby name list? He's perfect and so is his name:)


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