Monday, May 12, 2014

Fifteen Months.

Can you believe I'm typing fifteen? Fifteen months of pure love and learning, crying, laughing and poopy diapers. ;)

Time has flown by so quickly that this update is being written at almost sixteen months ha! It's being written nonetheless. Oh what this boy has brought into our lives!

Age: 15 months

Stats: I believe he's 30 inches and 22.75 lbs. You're a little below average on weight again but the doc said it's because you're walking.  

Clothes: 18-24 for sure. 

Favorite Foods: Bananas are pretty much your thing. You devour an entire banana all on your own. You're still a pretty good eater and haven't had any issues. I thought you were disliking eggs but you're back on track and eating them. Yogurt is also becoming one of your faves. It's so cute because I give you the container and a spoon and you squeeze the bottom to try to get it all out. 

Favorite Words: Mama! Dada, woody pronounced "oodsy", ball "bo", over there "ot ther" while pointing with your finger.

Favorite Activities: Running around the house, taking every single thing out of the kitchen and bathroom cabinets (which always gives me a few more minutes to get ready or prepare dinner), bubbles, being outside, baths. You love to make us laugh by making faces, weird moves or anything that you think will work. You are the silliest little boy! You really do make us laugh everyday. 

Least Favorite Activities: Diaper changes and any form of face and hand cleaning.

Favorite Things: Your paci. Oops, you've been so attached to it lately that we've been giving in. We need to take it away from you soon though. Woody, we ask you where he is and you bring him to us. Drinking from mama and daddy's drink. You love being chased and you laugh hysterically! You have also acquired a love, that we don't necessarily share, of throwing stuff in the toilet. We keep the lid down since your playing-in-the-toilet-water incident but every now and then we forget and find a sock in there.

Signature Moves: You love dancing! As soon as you hear music you start swaying back and forth and you stomp your little feet and bend your knees up and down. The sweetest thing ever! You do share mama and daddy's love of music. You throw a mean ball, I think we have a future baseball player in our hands. You throw with your left and right so we still don't know which hand you favor. You hold the spoon and fork with both hands too.

Mom's 'Proudest' Moment: I have a couple :) You fell off the bed for the first time since you were born and I still feel so guilty about it! It was sometime in the middle of the night when I took you out of the crib to come sleep with us and you somehow managed to roll above my head without me noticing and when I felt you it was too late, I grabbed your leg but you slipped and fell on the carpet. Thank God you were okay and only cried for a few seconds. I was terrified! I held you so tight and said I'm sorry until you fell asleep again. Then I was changing your diaper and accidentally let go of the Velcro and it smacked you on the belly. You were pretty pissed about that since it left you a red mark. 

A real proud moment is that you give mama the biggest hugs! You'll be walking, I'll call your name and ask you for a hug, you run to me arms wide open and you lay your little head on my shoulder with your arms wrapped around me. I can't get enough of those, once I ask you a thousand times you get the hang of it and walk away, ha!

Other Milestones: Well, does finding you on top of a new diaper box dancing and screaming count? I would say yes in my book. :) I even had to call daddy over to see you because it was so funny! You are the quickest ASL learner! I'll teach you a sign and the next time I ask you, you already know it. You favorite signs are milk, more, all done and please. You're also recognizing parts of the body and you're also learning to put stuff away when we ask you to. You make a huge mess and we call you our little tornado but as long as you put everything back, we are okay with it. :) I can't wait to teach you more of everything!!

You seriously are the sweetest and friendliest boy in the world. You wave hi at every single person you see and when they don't wave back you keep waving anyway. The girls at daycare love you and when I drop you off you immediately want to be held by them which makes me feel better about leaving you to go to work. You learn something new everyday and you are imitating a lot of things we do and noises we make. My most favorite thing is when your ball goes under the bed or sofa you lay on the floor to look for it and point at it for us to get it. It's also so much easier to know what you want because we name something and you laugh if that's what you want. You have been such a good kid and I hope you stay that way okay? 

We love you more than anything in this world! 


  1. So stinking cute! I love that you're doing sign language. We did that with Mac too and it was such a big help with him communicating to us. That tampon photo is hilarious! That's definitely one way to keep him entertained (wish I had thought of that one). He is such a cutie.

  2. Such a sweet boy, hope you had the best Mother's Day love!!!

  3. So sweet!! Don't you love their little dance moves?!! Precious!

  4. Awwww I love this post :) He is so adorable and sounds like such a happy, well-loved kiddo!

  5. He's such a cutie! I love the tampon picture...gotta love what keeps their attention! :)


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