Thursday, July 31, 2014


Ever since I discovered Pinterest I decorate my entire house through all of the beautiful spaces and stuff I pin. In my imagination. Don't you wish you could pin it to your home?! That would be awesome!

I do, however, get a lot of inspiration for everything from holiday decor, ideas, style & fashion, home decor, recipes, I could go on and on. When I pin I always think about how it would look in my home and if I would actually buy it, wear it, use it, etc. because when I go back to look at what I pinned to find inspiration for a room in our home, I want to see ideas that would be relevant to my style. I truly think that Pinterest was the greatest invention ever to get ideas for every single thing in life. Feel free to check mine out here!

Here is a little collage of my inspiration pins when it comes to colors, textures, patterns, fashion, home decor etc. I find all of these items beautiful and I want them all! Our home is pretty neutral in color so adding bits of it here and there truly makes a difference. I try to mix it up with patterns and fun colors, same goes for fashion right? :)

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what I'd do with out pinterest:)


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