Friday, August 22, 2014

Fitness Update.

It's been a while since I've talked about what's been going on with my workout and losing weight. The truth is, it hasn't. I'll blame it on being super exhausted most of the time and always on the go, but when I work out I don't feel so exhausted. Ugh. When I started, of course I made the time for it and made no excuses for it. I slowly started to bring up excuses to not do it, well I have two loads of laundry to fold, I'll work out tomorrow, I have to make a trip to the store, I'll work out tomorrow, I'm on my period, I'll work out when it's over. Sure enough the stretches of time started getting bigger and bigger and it's been about three or four weeks since my feet have touched the treadmill or running shoes for that matter.

I also blamed the fact that I missed Elliot's bed time. I'm so used to putting him to bed and laying with him, working out didn't allow me that time. I left him with Jack and when I came back from my shower he was already asleep. I know, lame, lame, lame excuse. But the truth.

You know when you eat something not so good for you, then junk food another day? Then you think well okay, this will be the last day of eating bad and next week for sure I'll do healthy options and work out, and it keeps going? Yup, that happened too. You start eating bad and you see no point in working out until you start eating better, but since you're not eating better, you don't want to work out? It's the most vicious cycle of cycles known to humanity.

I haven't been eating that shitty, or been that tired, or missed out on Elliot, or had laundry not done. These are all my excuses. And they need to stop. Now.

So really, next week I'm restarting and resetting myself. I know I've been down this road not too long ago, or many times actually. This is sort of a setback, a relapse if you will. I hate to think of it as a big deal but to me it is. My body is something I've always struggled with one way or another. I don't mean/want to sound whiny but man it's hard! Recovering from having a baby is hard! For me at least.

This was like a tongue twister! I just needed to get it out. Can anyone can relate? Or, even better, what motivates you? What's your willpower? How do you get yourself to the gym or your workout? How do you avoid those french fries and delicious pastries and more importantly, beer! Like I said, it's a vicious cycle and I tell myself that it's all in moderation but the cycle kicks in and it's game over. I'm not the only one this happens to right? Right? 

I haven't touched my running shows or workout gear but I am and I will!

Have a happy Friday full of healthy choices! :)


  1. Sending good vibes your way, mama!!!! It really can be hard, my spare time I either devote to waverly or if she's sleeping, around the house!! Xo

  2. You sound like my brain! I feel this way! Get me motivated ;)

  3. I'm such an up down healthy person, total snow ball. But, there is such limited time that it is so hard for me to want to work out, and always at stupidly inconvenient times like super early in the morning. But it sure does feel good afterwards! Channel that feeling!


Thank you for your sweet comments! :)

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