I cannot remember how I came across these cards for first words and these for colors and shapes on Amazon, but I remember thinking they looked like they would work. And they do! Also, if your kid likes to chew on them, rip them, throw them around, etc these are great because they're thick enough to withstand toddlerness. :)
They all have the touch and feel feature which is cool, and a little weird like the cat and dog, but they're so good for their little senses! It took a few tries but he's learning so much! They come with a parent card that gives you ideas on how and what to play. I started with the easier words and things he already recognizes along with some simple ones I knew he would catch on. Our favorite game to play is laying the cards on the floor then I ask him "where is the dog?, where is the corn?" and he will go and grab them and bring them to me. I'm also teaching him some order and ask him to stack them on the side because usually he just tosses them and they go flying across the room.
Another one is to hold up the card and ask him what it is, he will usually run around yelling "co, co, co" for corn or "toos" for shoes, "doddy" for doggy, etc. He's starting to recognize more and more! Sometimes of course he just wants to play so I don't force it on him. Only when I see he's truly interested and sits down to play. I bought the colors and shapes too but I won't start with those until I get more words in. They're super affordable and cute. They're a great way to get a toddler to learn!
I wanted to share these from my own experience with them. We love them and it's never too early to start learning! Potty training is next. ;)
Happy Monday!
You are such a great mama!!!! :)