Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Summer Nails

I have always loved doing my nails and trying to always keep pretty nails on my feet and hands. The range of colors out there is insane and I love trying out new ones with glitter, without, bright, dark, you name it, I'll paint it.

Over the last few years, I've posted so many colors and combinations for the holidays, Summer, Winter, etc. Or simply because I was feeling that color at that time. I thought it would be fun to go back to all those posts, compile them and take a look back at my crazy colors. It's only Tuesday and most of us, if not all of us, are sad because the weekend is over and I wanted to post something fun and cheerful.

Most of these are from Sinful colors and they are super affordable. You can't beat that. If I see a color I like in a more expensive brand, I'll get it, but I don't think you need to spend a lot to make your nails look good. If you get a good top coat you should be okay with pretty much any polish. Granted, the color payoff in some isn't the same, but I like this brand because it's really good when it comes to that.

I hope you think they are fun and love some of these colors!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday Favorites- Baby Ready

Now that I am expecting another baby, I'm excited to find new things in the baby world! I remember seeing all these cool things that other mamas would post waaay after having Elliot and thinking I'm going to get that when I have another baby! Now I can!

I love this Solly Baby wrap in Baltic. I love the color and have heard so many good things about them! I never wore Elliot because I had no idea these things existed ha! I love the thought of having the baby so close and safe!

The cutest pacifier clips from Ryan and Rose! These come in so handy especially with a newborn. I love all of the different types and colors.

This little jumpsuit from H&M is super cute! I may be getting ahead of myself with baby stuff, but I can't help it with all of this out there! Perfect for an October baby.

Since Elliot was born, I have known and understood the power of the swaddle. If they felt comfortable being a burrito inside our bellies, they will feel the same outside of it. That's the way I see it. These Aden + Anais ones are the sweetest. I love all of the designs! I used this brand with Elliot as well and to this day, three years later, they have held up so well after many, many washes. The fact that they have gorgeous prints makes me so happy!

To carry all of the baby and toddler stuff, you need a U-Haul, kidding, not really. This time I want something stylish and not bulky like a regular diaper bag. Been there, done that. I'm in love with this bag from Fossil! How beautiful is it?? I love that it has a lot of pockets and plenty of space and no one will ever know it's stuffed with diapers, crackers and pacis. Well, they will, but you know what I mean.

We all know preparing for a baby gets expensive. Starting to buy all the things that we will need now and little by little, will put my mind and wallet at ease, that's always a good thing. Have a great Friday and weekend!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hump Day Bumpdate

How far along: 14 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Maternity clothes: Still wearing my regular clothes but my jeans are getting super uncomfortable. I purchased some maternity tops already and I'm looking forward to wearing them soon! I did purchase jeans but they were a size too big (thanks online shopping) so I'll have to go to the store to return them and get the right sizes.
Sleep: Sleeping okay. I keep having the most random and weirdest dreams! I think that's normal? The most common one is of Jack leaving me for another woman haha!
Best moment this month: Feeling better! That is for sure my number one best moment. The fact that I am not puking my brains out at least twice a day is a great sign. 
Worst moment this month: Still not being able to eat a lot. I can eat now but really light. I just make sure I eat snacks and small meals throughout the day to keep my belly full and not get nausea. Also, I've had some of the worst headaches! I remember those with Elliot's pregnancy too. They suck!
Miss anything: Being able to do things on the weekend. By the time the work week is over, I am exhausted and all I want to do is be lazy and relax at home. Hoping to get my energy back soon.
Movement: None yet! I think I feel something but then I think it's probably all the watermelon I've been eating.
Cravings: Watermelon, cucumbers, spicy food, veggies and ranch, any fruit.
Queasy or sick: Everything at some point. I haven't been able to cook a decent meal this entire time! I did get a lot of recommendations from friends on what to do to get rid of nausea and a lot of them worked! Thank you. :)
Looking forward to: The "sweet spot" as some of my friends have told me. Elliot's pregnancy was so smooth, compared to this one, this is all new to me! I'm ready to kick this nausea to the curb and gain my energy back! My next appointment is on my birthday, April 25, so happy we get to see this peanut that day! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Day We Found Two Pink Lines

It was a Saturday night and we had purchased a bag of blood oranges. So deliciously sweet but a bit tart at the same time. Like a mix between an orange and a grapefruit. I looked up some blood orange margarita recipes, but ultimately ended up coming up with my own concoction and boy were they good. Really good.

I made the first one and the only one I would drink that night and the last one for the next nine months. I remember taking the last sip and getting up to make another one, but then this strange feeling came over me. It felt wrong, I felt as if I were doing something wrong. I knew why.

In the last year and a half, we have had a couple of instances where Jack and I thought, this is it, we are having a baby. Only to find out we weren't. I went to my doctor for my regular checkup and he told me I should've been pregnant by now, especially because the previous year at my appointment, he knew we were trying. I'm not sure why but it just wasn't happening. I started with an ovulation kit after this last appointment and that did the trick!

Four or five months later, after starting with the ovulation kit, and after my last sip of that margarita that night, I really knew. I also knew that the ovulation kit came with a pregnancy test. I wasn't so sure it would be positive since I had been drinking water all day and well, the margarita, but I was positive about it. I took the test and after what seemed like an eternity, the slightest hint of a pink line was visible. I ran to Jack and told him I saw a line, I saw two lines! He said he couldn't see it. He said we should wait till the morning, buy another test and take it then but I couldn't wait. I drove to the pharmacy and bought a box of three, but this time I wasn't going to mess around with lines, I needed the one where it clearly tells you pregnant or not pregnant. I took another one and we could clearly see it! It said pregnant! I took two more, one the next morning and one a few days later, just to be sure.

I was overcome with feelings, happy and sad. It made me miss my dad more than ever. It also made me mad because it made me miss my dad more than ever. The fact that he's now missing out on the lives of five soon to be six grandchildren is infuriating, but I want to be positive about everything and enjoy this moment for what it is. Such is life and it goes on. You can read about that here.

So here it is, another baby Brown waiting to meet the world, mama, daddy and big brother and we cannot wait!

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