When we got married, we knew we would want to start trying to get pregnant one to two years after. We needed to enjoy our marriage and save up a shit load of money to eventually buy a house. We were so broke from the wedding since we both had part-time shitty-paying jobs and we just needed to figure out our lives. Where we were going, what we were doing and HOW we were doing it. The first year was awesome, we landed amazing jobs, started our savings, and drank a whole lot of beer. We would go out every single Friday night and we loved it! But, we knew that something was missing. The going out days were getting a little old. That's when we decided we would start trying. A couple of months went by and nothing...I called my doc and complained that nothing was happening and he reassuringly told me it would, the average woman takes about a year to get pregnant, a whooooole year. Then one Thursday, just a few days after my call, I started getting cramps and I thought ok, the monthly visit is here, but these cramps felt different. I'm not sure how to explain it but something inside me had a feeling and I needed to know what to do. I called my doctor (again) since I was going to be traveling that Sunday for work. He told me I should probably get a pregnancy test and I got so nervous, I mean if he was telling me to get a pregnancy test then it had to be official (lol)! So after work on Friday, Jack I went to get a couple of boxes of pregnancy tests (we wanted to be sure!) since we had taken some before when I had thought I was expecting only to be disappointed by getting the "not pregnant" or only one pink line on the test, but this time for some reason I just had a feeling that it would be positive.
Once we had the tests and got home, Jack decided to go workout. The anticipation was killing me!! Even though I had this feeling, I still kept telling myself "if it's not positive don't worry, it will happen soon" so with Jack at the gym I decided to open one of the boxes (rip open sounds more like it) and headed for the restroom (a mere 5 steps away from the living room in our 500sqft apartment). I took out the pee stick and to town I went. The instructions say wait for 2-3 minutes right? Well I didn't have to wait ten seconds when the second pink line appeared. I was VERY pregnant. So pregnant I started jumping of excitement and quickly stopped because I was scared something would happen to the baby (I know I know). So naturally, the first thing I had to do was vacuum the entire apartment. That's what you do isn't it? I was so anxious and excited to tell Jack that I had to calm myself down somehow, so I resorted to cleaning. Well time wasn't going by fast enough after I was done so I just decided to text Jack to get him to come home. I told him I wasn't feeling well and he needed to take me to the doctor immediately, lame, but it worked! He said he would be on his way, so I had to scramble to find a way to make it special for him since I hadn't had the patience to wait for him to get home to take the test in the first place. I found a box and (magically) some pink and blue tissue paper so as corny as it sounds I put both colors in the box with the pee-filled test in it, placed it on the table and sat and waited as patiently as I could.
I heard him coming up the stairs and the excitement and anxiousness returned. I couldn't wait for him to find out we were having a little, tiny baby! He came in and I was lying on the couch (I had to pretend I didn't feel well) and he asked me what was wrong. I then said a package had arrived (literally in my mind) and that it was on the table. Hesitant, he went over and saw the box, he opened it slowly as if something was going to jump out at him and saw the test. I was grinning from ear to ear and he just looked at me a little confused. I yelled "we are having a baby" and the water works began. We sat on the couch, shed a few tears and then just sat there some more. We couldn't believe it! We were going to be parents! It was the most amazing, frightening, exciting feeling in the world. In a few months we would be holding a baby of our own. We texted, we called, we cried some more and then the entire family knew. Everyone was so excited!
there were more!
We had a good 36 hours to celebrate then I would be gone on a trip for work for the whole week. Yup, fun times when the morning sickness kicks in every morning, day and night for the entire week (who the hell called it "morning" sickness??), you're away from your hubby and there's nothing more you would want than to be home in your own bed and puking in your own bathroom.
Anyway, that's how it all began. I scheduled my appointment for the following week while on my trip and I couldn't wait to see what the doctor had to say. Turns out I was about six weeks pregnant and didn't have a clue up until the test. None. We got to hear the heartbeat and man was that a great feeling. My baby was doing great.
The first three months were gruesome. Talk about morning and evening sickness, not being able to eat much and going to the store was a trip I found unnecessary. Work was tough, but after the three months I pretty much went back to normal aside from the huge belly I was growing. I began documenting my pregnancy after a picture a friend of mine tagged me on from Pinterest and loved the idea! Here are some of them:
I can't believe I got so big!
Then the most exciting news were about to arrive. We were having a boy!! I was beyond excited at this point, I couldn't wait to buy him stuff and come up with a design for the nursery fast enough.
The rest of my pregnancy went really well, aside from all the weight I gained,I was hungry ALL the time, really, ALL the time, I cannot complain. I had energy, I still went home and cooked, cleaned, and even house hunted all summer in one-hundred degree weather. Of course towards the end my back was killing me and I needed this baby to come out. So then we finally found our house! The house hunting had ended, so had my back and feet, but at least one thing on the list was done. Regardless of having a semi-normal pregnancy, I have to say, it is no joke.