Thursday, September 26, 2013

Eight Months.

So on Friday our little button turned eight months old. When Jack is holding him, I look at him and think wow he's getting so big and get completely depressed. But, this is getting to be more and more fun now that he does so many more things that I can't wait to see what's in store.

Weight: 18.3 lbs

Clothing size: 9-12 

Diaper size: 3 still!
Feeding: Still the same although your portions are getting bigger! 

Milestones: The other day you were on your legs in a crawling position and all of a sudden you sat back up. We were impressed! Your two bottom teeth are right there and you look so cute. You also started saying dadadada which to us, is just dada :) You say nananana and we are pretty sure that it will turn into mama and I can't wait! You learned to clap and it is the sweetest thing, you let out a sort of sigh, smile, laugh when you do it, I don't know how to explain it but it warms my heart.

Loves: Well you love your chicken and veggies! I've been puréeing your veggies but I take the chicken out and cut it as small as I can and mix it with your veggies. You're loving it! You love when we hide from you and surprise you although my brother did this to you the other day and you got scared and started crying. You lasted a second and went back to playing with him. You also sleep on your belly and I know it's not the safest but even if I flip you you go back to it so I just left that one alone. You can munch on carrots and celery all day, I give them to you for your teething and you love them. 

Dislikes: Diaper changes. You flip and get on your belly and you arch your back, it's crazy. You don't like being on your back for too long before wanting to get into everything.

Adventures: You had your first virus called Bronchiolitis. Not fun. You were coughing and coughing so I took you to the doctor where she immediately diagnosed you upon listening to your little lungs. You're on nebulizer treatments and I took you back to the doctor yesterday and she said you're doing so much better! She still said you have to do the treatments but you should be all better by Monday. It hasn't been fun waking up at four in the morning but whatever we need to do to make you healthy we will do!

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: Each other. We have a relay race with you so that we can get things done around the house! You can't stay still and you hate not being entertained.

Happy Eight Months Button!

Note to mamas- Trust your gut. I noticed Elliot was coughing on Sunday evening and immediately knew this wasn't a normal I-have-a-cold cough. It was a rougher, coarser sounding cough
 and I second guessed myself for a bit thinking I could just give him some home remedies to help him get over it but ultimately trusted myself and I took him to the doc right away the next day. Turns out it was a virus and he had to get treatment for it or it could have gotten worse. When you know something isn't right with your baby, trust your instinct! You will probably and most likely be right about it. :)


  1. Dang, that smile is the best! I can't ever get Aria to smile for the camera anymore. I get stony faced baby!

    1. Thank you! Lol! My hubby almost has to do backflips and be clownish to get to smile and I start snapping away. Try it! ;)


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