We got a house and baby within a couple of days from each other and we wouldn't have it any other way. This year was so so good to us. Having our baby boy was the most beautiful gift we could have ever received. This year we became home owners & parents.
I'm happy about the home owners part, but the parents part, that one you can't beat. With anything. Elliot brought the greatest joy into our lives and for that I am grateful.
I am also very grateful for my family. They have been there for us like no other, through everything. I don't know what I would do without them. They are the absolute best!
And my husband. I am most thankful to have him in my life. Without him it just wouldn't be the same. It has been so much fun discovering how to be parents to Elliot, we have laughed, cried, fought, made up, under slept, got peed and pooped on and I am so glad that this has all happened with him. Experiencing new things everyday with him is the most amazing feeling and he is the most amazing father. Watching him with Elliot makes me fall in love more and more with him. I love you.
My son. How crazy does it feel to say that? My son. Our son. I love that little boy like I never thought possible and my love for him only grows everyday. Watching him go from a tiny little baby that we could leave on the bed sleeping while we made dinner to not leaving his side for a millisecond because we don't know what he might get into has been hard as shit and so exhausting but so rewarding and exhilarating. We start a new year of his life in a few weeks and I'm still wondering where his first year went. I cannot and will not imagine our lives without him. We love you to the moon and back little Button.
I am so happy to have met all of my blogger and IG mama friends. Thank you for all your sweet comments on my IG and blog you guys are the best!! This is only the beginning of great things to come!
Tonight we will celebrate with our families, some good food and of course, drinks and champagne at midnight, if we can make it that late. I can't wait!
Have a great celebration and I will see you next year! Cheers!