Friday, November 21, 2014

Elliot Lately.

I haven't done a post on this little monkey lately so I thought I would sum up the last couple of months in one post.

So much has been going on with this boy as far as how much he is developing and what a little clown he's been! He seriously lights up our days and also makes us pull our hair out. ;)

He's officially twenty-two months! He will be two in January and of course I have already started the planning for his party. 

He is so full of energy that my brain can't quite comprehend how he's still going at eight at night when he's had his bath and is ready for bed. One minute he's drinking his milk and the next he's up jumping on the bed. It can be exhausting but the way he makes us laugh makes up for it. 

We have been implementing time-outs and we have had quite a few. Sometimes I cannot help but go and hug him because he will be sitting there, sometimes crying, and he will look at me and tell me "sowwy" in the sweetest voice. Ugh this kid! He knows exactly what he's doing to his mama's heart. It works really well with Jack too. ;)

He's so feisty and knows exactly what he wants. That can be a problem and it goes back to our being able to be at a store for fifteen minutes max. I tried just letting him be and when we need to go to another aisle or part of the store (or wherever we are) we tell him to say bye bye to whatever he's doing and go with us. Most of the time it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Silliness is in his blood. We are such dorks and are joking with each other half of the time and Elliot is the same. We scold him and he will bust out some moves to make us laugh, say something funny, or just look us straight in the eye and smile, giggle, touch our faces, whatever he thinks will work. He makes everyone laugh and when he doesn't make it to daycare, the girls miss him so much! They tell us he's the one who makes them laugh and keeps their day interesting. No doubt there!

I know I say he's very opinionated and feisty but he's also the most loving kid! Every single place we go he makes an impression. We get told that he's a very special kid, and he is! He will go up to a complete stranger and stand there until they turn around to say hi to him. He shakes hands, gives fist bumps, high fives and in some instances (cashier at Home Goods) kisses! I know, he's my kid, I have to brag about him a little! Or a lot. :)

He will point at us and say mama, dada then point at himself and say Elliot. Heart melted.

He can tell you the ABC's, numbers in Spanish and English, with help of course, and working on that has been so much fun! It's something he loves to do. When he wants to do it. Colors on the other hand have been harder! He will say something is blue twice in a row then when he picks it up again he says it's green. He will get there. 

He's still eating pretty good but sometimes goes on eating strikes. I have to tell him I'm going to eat his food or actually eat a spoonful and say "yummy" a million times so that he can then eat it. He can still eat a thousand bananas in one sitting and drink gallons of milk.

Now he says "I love you" and I will never get tired of asking him to say it. It sounds more like "I lah yuuuu" and I love it and him. He sees Jack and I hugging and immediately says "hug" arms wide open waiting for hugs from each of us. We also love when he goes up to us to hug our legs. He's the sweetest!

I will give him a pen and paper (doodling is one of his favorite activities with a pen, just like Jack, go figure) he sits down and yells "guys, guys!!" Once he has our attention, he swears he's writing his name as he says "Eeeelliooot". If that's not the cutest thing ever, I don't know what is.

There's so much more to my boy but I won't bore you with a book! So more in another post. :)

I'll bore you with some pics instead. ;)

Happy Friday!


  1. Shadia, he looks so much like you! Hes so cute! :D

  2. He is so freaking cute!!! I wish we lived closer so we could have a play date. 😘 and I loveeee the time out thing. I can never stay "mad" at liam for long. His sweet looks just make me melt!

  3. How is he so old already! Didn't you just have his first birthday?! He's talking so much. Isn't it crazy how smart they really are?


  4. He is showing his personality and I love it! Too freaking cute! You and Jack are doing an amazing job in raising him and being such amazinh parents. Love you!


Thank you for your sweet comments! :)

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