I'll begin by saying that I could not have had such different experiences with my two boys. You can read about my first one here. Breastfeeding has always been something I knew I wanted to be able to do because I do believe breast milk is great for babies and it's also so practical when you're on the go ha! Most importantly though, because I love the bonding I've created with my kids. I absolutely love sitting down in a quiet room and having that time with my baby, or in the car with a blanket on the window. ;)
Also, because as I mentioned in his birth story, I was able to be with Oliver from day one. Before pumping or formula feeding, unlike Elliot who was both formula fed and breast fed from the beginning. I do also believe that what matters is that your baby is happy, healthy and full. As mothers we have to do what is best for our babies, whether exclusively breastfed, formula fed or both!
I'll get to my journey. As I mentioned, I was able to get Oliver to latch even before I was transferred to my room at the hospital. I was in recovery when he was brought to me. Of course I wasn't getting much milk in the beginning but I continued to feed until my milk came in. As in most cases, Oliver lost a bit of weight due to this, but quickly gained it back once my milk was in, and continues to gain. He's my happy eater, chunky boy! I exclusively breastfed him for three full months, as much as it hurt in the beginning and boy does it hurt, and I am so happy about that. I also pumped in between feedings and was able to freeze a lot of milk. My favorite time to feed is actually in the middle of the night when everything is quiet.
At three and a half months old, a couple of weeks before returning to work, I introduced the bottle and formula. I knew that this was a good time to do so to prepare him for daycare. I started with Dr. Brown's bottles but have you looked at those things? They come with about ten parts to put together, okay more like two but still! I then switched him to the Medela ones I used with Elliot and like them much better. I am saving all of my frozen breast milk for home feedings and formula for daycare. It's not that I don't trust the daycare workers (or maybe I don't) but this is something I feel most comfortable with.
Oliver was so angry the first time I tried to give him formula in a bottle it was almost funny. It took a couple of tries for him to finally take it but he did great after that! I've been formula feeding every now and then, and now that I am at work, he's on formula. I still pump twice at work until my supply starts to decrease. I pump six to eight ounces per session. I get home and breastfeed and I also do this before work.
This has helped so much with being at work away from my babies. I feel that I am doing the best for Oliver ad it makes me feel so much better! In the end, as I said, we have to do whatever is best for our babies and it does not matter whether it's formula or breast milk. This is just what I want to do and what makes my baby happy and what makes me happy.
Now it's just a matter of seeing how long I can go along with this. The breast pump doesn't seem so bad anymore! I will store it for the next baby but shh don't tell my husband. :)