Friday, May 13, 2016

The Truth About My Pregnancy (Five Things Friday)

Instead of writing about five things I'm liking this Friday, I will tell you about five things that are very different in my second pregnancy.

Obviously every pregnancy is different, but just how different? Let's see.

1. Morning sickness (aka ALL day sickness)- This has been the biggest difference with this pregnancy. I was sick ALL day everyday for about sixteen weeks and still get a little nauseous in the afternoons sometimes. It was by far the worst I've ever felt! I'm so glad I'm over it for the most part. I was sick only a few times with Elliot and by twelve weeks, it was completely over.

2. Tiredness- I am tired 24/7. I remember being tired with Elliot's pregnancy, but only for the first trimester then slowly gained my energy back. Plus we lived in a 500sq/ft apartment and cleaned it in about an hour. Adding a toddler to the mix isn't easy! Having a house to clean is exhausting! Working forty hours a week is also tough. Eternal exhaustion should be in the parent dictionary. Whinertown as well. ;)

3. Weight gain- I never really lost all of the baby weight I gained with Elliot's pregnancy (I gained a lot!), and that didn't help at all on this one. Besides the fact that I started showing way sooner, all of my weight gain has always gone to my mid section. I am so uncomfortable this time around since I am much bigger than I was with Elliot at this point! I've gotten a few comments about that and I know they're not ill- intentioned at all, but I still feel self conscious about it. I have been eating much healthier and I do feel so much better about that. It was free for all with Elliot's pregnancy.

4. Irritable- With Elliot's pregnancy, my hormones were in all the right places I guess, Jack says I was so nice and not hormonal at all (ha!). I agree with him. This time, I find myself getting frustrated easily with Elliot. Add all of the above mentioned points and that equals a very irritable me. I hope it gets better!

5. Miserable- All in all, I will be completely honest and admit that so far, I haven't been enjoying this pregnancy as much as I should. Don't get me wrong, I am ecstatic about our little addition, but I'm not enjoying what my body is going through as much this time around. I'm admitting this in hopes that there's a few of you out there who are on the same boat. Is this normal? Did you feel this way? Does it go away?

The one thing I am fully loving right now is that I get to feel this baby boy moving all over, and I can't wait to be further along for Jack and Elliot to feel him too. I also love that my body is carrying a baby and I know that once I have him in my arms, all of these feelings won't matter one bit. I know I will think back and laugh at this post! I'm looking forward to that. For now, I want to be honest about what I'm going through right now. I didn't want to admit it, but once I talked to Jack about it, I felt so much better. Oh the joys of pregnancy! :)


  1. it's ok to feel this way friend! and being honest about it helps you so much! So many people think it's always a fun and perfect journey. It's not. Every time I have been to the dr for my checkups something is wrong, I'm sick, I have an infection you name it. My husband got the chicken pox when I was going into my second trimester, I had to move out for 2 weeks because for some strange reason I wasn't immune although we both had chicken pox when we were kids. We were scared to death that the baby was going to be affected. I had to go to the hospital for these tests and crazy vaccines. Then just recently Max got Fifth's disease which is ok for him but so bad for the baby. I love this little girl so much but this pregnancy has just been a complete 180 from Max's and thats OK! Love you friend! Keep your head up! You look great

    1. Oh my gosh!! So glad you and baby are doing good that must have been stressful!! Thank you so much girl!!

  2. Shadia, I totally get what you are going through. When I was pregnant with Valentina, I felt miserable for almost all pregnancy. I felt so bad when people asked me how I was doing and I was always unintentionally whining and just wishing it was over. It was really hard for me to talk about it because all my pregnant friends were so happy and always enjoying every single day. For me, it was a truly challenging experience. I was sick all day for almost 16 weeks too. I tried everything I could find on google to make my morning sickness go away. I thought I would never get better. I was sick at work, all the time and was so embarrassing going to the restroom all the time or just wanting to get back home to go able to throw up at home. When the morning sickness passed, then I was having little pain in my lower belly so I had to rest as soon as I got home after work. After that, I was so swollen because I didn’t have very much physical activity that I started to get huge and so uncomfortable that I felt like a completely different person. Now, it’s been 3 years since I had Valentina and I’m barely getting my confidence back that I feel so afraid of being pregnant again and go through all I went before. I honestly don’t know if I want to. For most of my friends, all pregnancies went relatively well that they don't think about it so much. They just have this beautiful memories. Of course I do to, my daughter’s kicks were so incredible and unforgettable, but the other side of pregnancy can be not so pretty too. At least, not for all of us.

    I just want to remind you that this will pass, and you might not laugh about it, but it will remind you of how strong you are and to be able to endure all you are going through just makes you stronger and wiser. You will get through this. Trust me. You can do this. I feel you and know exactly how frustrating and emotionally complicated this can be.

    xoxo, j.

    1. Jackie thank you so much for your words!! You are so sweet!! That's how I was too, when Elliot turned 3 I knew it was time! It's so hard in the beginning if you're having a tough pregnancy but I would do it all over again to be able to give Elliot a sibling! Go for it friend!

  3. Girl 2-5 were totally me during my second pregnancy. It goes by so fast though, even in the moment it doesn't feel like it. Hang in there, friend!

    1. Thanks friend!! It does go by fast, slowly but surely I'm feeling better and better everyday and I'm so glad!!


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