Friday, June 14, 2013

Dust Bunnies and Wind.

Dust bunnies, dust bunnies everywhere! If you're a Stephen King fan you know what I'm talking about.

In this allergy season, my hubby and I have been suffering from allergies for a couple of weeks now and Button has been as well (thanks to us). They are not fun at all. We as adults can deal with them but it's much much harder to see your little one going through them. They suck. He is congested, coughing and sneezing like crazy. All you can do is make it a little more comfortable for them (if that's even possible).

This windy and dusty season is the worst! I cannot seem to dust my house enough when I already have another layer setting in. It rains (the whole two-minute rain thing), we have dust, it's hot, we have dust, if it's windy? Forget it, we have five-point-two pounds of dust per minute. Ok, I'm exaggerating but seriously, this city should be named Dusty, Texas.

We have also had our house a little cooler than usual thanks to the hundred degree weather we have been having the last couple of weeks and that hasn't helped at all.

Here's what we have been doing (and using) to minimize the effects on Elliot:

Humidifier- We turn this on every night with a cool mist and leave it running all night to help with the dryness of the room and Elliot's little nose and throat.

Simply Saline Baby Sterile Saline Nasal Mist- I like the mist because it is easy to use and goes in better in his little nose. I wait about 15 seconds and use the suction bulb as much as he will let me before crying, pushing me away and rolling over. We were using the drops (which my hubby used for him and emptied the bottle) but I didn't really like them anyway because they were hard to administer and I would end up wasting a whole lot just to get one drop in his little nostril. Total waste of time and money.

Suction Bulb- I use the one I was provided with at the hospital when I had him and it's the best one out there for me. I'm sure there's other good ones, but we love this one. Squeeze all the air out before bringing it to your babe's face and point it towards his septum and suction. It works great.

My mom taught me how to get all the yucky stuff out of their systems by doing some patting (lightly) on their chest, back and sides and that works too!

We also put a couple of blankets (you can also use a pillow) under his play pen mattress to prop him up a little when we put him to sleep. This has helped A LOT with his coughing and sleeps soundly through the night (with the occasional cough, bot not nearly as bad as before). We did this without any doctor's consent at first but after calling her, this is exactly what she suggested to do so we were good to go. This also works if your little one suffers from reflux.

These are things we have been doing that work for us but I think they would pretty much work for any baby. Hope they help a little!

Have a safe and dust-free (yeah right) weekend!

Go away dust bunnies!

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