Monday, July 1, 2013

The Curious Case Of Elliot Button.

So, I've never told you why we call our baby Button...

When he was born, every time I fed him and sat him on my lap to burp him, he would ALWAYS wrinkle his forehead and stay like that for as long as he could. I would run my finger gently down his forehead to get him to stop but he wouldn't. I'm sure that is the case for most babies, but it was just so funny to us because we had never experienced or seen that before.

This kid was also born almost bald. He only had a little layer of hair on the lower part of his little head and a little fuzz on top which left the middle part, including his bald spot, well, bald. He seriously looked like an old man. One day as we were watching him do the wrinkling of his forehead Jack said he looked like Benjamin from The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button and he totally did! It was so funny because every time we looked at him we were reminded of that and the nickname stuck. Now he is STILL bald (actually even more now since he lost the little hair he had) but looks nothing like an old man. He doesn't wrinkle his forehead either. I kind of miss his littlest days. BUT I cannot wait to see his little head full of hair!

Total old-manish face

 See the hair?

It's feels surreal looking at these pictures and seeing how fast time went by. Look at this little newborn! Now he's a little boy developing a personality of his own. He's full of happiness and smiles. Oh, how much he has changed!

No but seriously, when is his hair going to grow?

I love you my little Button!


  1. He is adorable! Love that last onesie, too cute :)

    1. Thank you Megan! :) The onesie is from psiadoreyou.


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