Tuesday, May 20, 2014

One Year (Already?!)

I remember perfectly how on the week of my twenty-ninth birthday I decided to start a blog. It was mostly because I have so much to say, but more importantly to write about our adventures with a then three month-old and me going back to work (I was a mess). It seems like it was just yesterday that I wrote my first post and documented the most important happenings in our lives. Elliot's birth, our wedding, my life story and all of the milestones and every month of Elliot's life leading up to his first year. Incredible yet kind of crazy to think how much time has already gone by. You can read my very first post here.

One of my most favorite things about blogging is all the people I have met through this outlet. I have become friends with incredible women and mamas. I know I've said it before but being part of their lives through social media and getting to know their babies and watching them grow on Instagram and their blogs has been such a pleasure. The advice we give each other, the funny stories, the not-so-good moments in our lives and the thousand pictures we all take of our little ones make this entire thing so worth it. I wish I could meet you all in person!! One day. :)

In one year, it has been a crazy, hectic yet amazing and fun ride in my life with my family. Going back to all of my old posts, a lot happened in one year! This is my very own purpose for writing a blog. To be able to go back and hopefully one day show Elliot everything his mama wrote about him so that mama didn't forget what I wanted to say to him, all of the times I almost pulled my hair out, the smelly (super stinky) diapers Jack and I went through, the first time he tasted his first solid food, he grabbed his first toy, he rolled over, started crawling, then walking, how I almost cried when all of these things happened and now he's the most incredible little boy, starting to form opinions, and he's opinionated alright. All the times I have complained over and over (and probably always will) about leaving him at daycare to go to work and how hard that still is, but how rewarding it has been to be able to provide him with everything he needs plus how much more I appreciate the quality time I get with him. My challenges as a working mom, wife and personal life. All of this in one year's period and we couldn't be happier.

Our life story is here written the way I want Jack and Elliot to remember it. This adventure one little boy has taken us on and everything that's to come (maybe another baby?). Because this is only the beginning and we are so fortunate to be experiencing this and be able to document it.

I love my family so so much and Elliot completed us in ways we couldn't imagine. And it's mostly all written here. :)

I want to thank all of you who follow, read and leave the sweetest comments on here, Facebook and Instagram. Keep on! I love you all! And of course, thank you Jack, for supporting me on this blogging adventure! I love you!


  1. Love this, and the family picture is just precious! Happy one year! XO

  2. Happy one year mama! So glad to have "met" you, and watch your little family grow <3

  3. Happy one year! I really enjoy reading your blog and all the Elliot pictures;)


  4. Congrats on one year blogging! It's definitely a commitment, but I agree a lot of fun and wonderful to document this precious time! I love reading your posts! Keep it comin momma! :)


  5. I love your blog, and I love your family. I'm so with you how great it has been meeting such wonderful mamas and friends. It changes your life. Congratulations on your 1 year!

  6. Such a beautiful fam & I can't believe how fast out babies are growing!

  7. Happy 1 Year! We started at the same time frame baby-age wise! I started when Aria was 3 months old too, I'd meant to from the start but didn't have any time to do so until about then =)
    Making bloggy friends is one of the best parts of this whole thing, and having a wonderful record for our babies one day too!


Thank you for your sweet comments! :)

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