Friday, July 11, 2014

Paci Battles.

I am one of those mamas that still gives her year and a half old toddler a paci. We get the looks. I know, Jack and I have heard it a million times before, trust me- take away that paci! or he's too old for it!. Well, you see, we already fully understand and know this. We do.

The thing is, and I'll sound like a bad mama for saying this, right now it is our savior. Jack and I joke that sometimes, sadly maybe, it is our sanity. Or it keeps us from losing our shit after a long and stressful day at work. I'm being honest here so don't judge! :) When you become a mama, nobody tells you not to give your baby the pacifier because it will be hard as shit to take it away later on. You know that this might happen but in the back of your mind you think, I'm sure it's not that hard. Well it is friends. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

When Elliot was born, he was in the NICU for a week, you can read that story here. Once released, he was sent home with a couple of those green soothing pacifiers. A couple were brand new and one that was with him in the NICU. We went home and of course started using them. Elliot rarely got fussy and I can thankfully say that I can count the times when he would cry. He was such a good baby and we didn't really need them that much. Entirely different story now. :)

When we lost a couple, I ran to Target to get a couple more thinking there's no way we would lose them. No way.

He basically grew up with it and that was our biggest mistake, BUT, as he got a little older, one thing we did do was that we would only give it to him during nap time and at night. It worked. No paci during the day. After he turned one, all hell broke loose and shit went downhill. If he cried, we gave it to him, outside of nap time or sleep time. I cringe for doing this. Of course he became super attached to it and now we cannot even mention the word paci because he starts giggling and immediately takes our hand and takes us where he knows we put them after we wash them. If we mention it and refuse to give it to him, Toddler Tantrum City erupts. Then he keeps pointing at it, babbles firmly (probably cusses at us) and demands it. Smart kid. So now we spell it. ;)

I sometimes feel that he's not saying enough words or talking as much as he should be because of it, and we are back to trying to not let him have it during the day but it's tough! He begs for it. He cries for it, he can't go to sleep without it and I feel so bad because it was our fault! Then there was a major change in his life, we had to enroll him in a new daycare because his closed unexpectedly. Then, the brilliant mama that I am decided to wean him off of it, or try to, while going through this change. GREAT idea. He was so mad at us for doing that to him! So, naturally, we gave in and we are back to square one. Even when I get him out of the bath to dress him up he's already looking for it.

It's crazy how you learn so much in one year and swear that things will be different with your second child now that you know so many things about motherhood! Ha!

Are you guys going through this? Have you gone through it? How did you do it? I've heard/read that cutting the tip of the paci helps and that might be our next step once he adjusts to his new daycare. I know that kids adjust quicker than we do as adults to mostly everything, but I want to do this without having to "let him cry it out". Never been a fan of that option so hopefully we can find a way to do it so that he gives it up on his own!

We are down to one and we refuse to buy more. You better believe we are holding on to it for dear life!

For now, Happy Friday!!


  1. I've never been a fan of the paci and both my boys were blanky boys. What if you replaced the paci with something like a favorite stuffed animal or blanky everytime he cried? I think soon enough he will find comfort in something else!! Good luck mama!!

  2. Evan was never a fan of the pacifier, but weaning him from breastfeeding has been the most difficult challenge I've faced as a mother. I tried the cry out method, but it wasn't for us. I know how hard the weaning process, from anything can be. Maybe when he's a little older he will get over the paci. Good luck mama! Xoxo

  3. Our Wyatt still uses a pacifier at night. We did like y'all and took it away during the day, and now he knows it's just for bed (that's where it stays). He's even gotten to where he'll throw it in the crib when we pick him up in the mornings or at nap. I know it's so hard and I really can't even think about taking it away at bedtime yet. We're currently working on weaning from the nighttime bottle, so I know how hard weaning from anything just breaks our hearts to hear him cry. You're doing your best, and that's all we know how to do! Keep up the great work!

  4. Every family is different so don't feel bad! Ours savior is the bottle/sippy cup hybrid!

  5. Ugh Carter is 20 months and is more obsessed with his passy now than ever! Not cool. I'm fine with him having it for naps/bedtime/car rides, but we try really hard not to let him have it besides then. That's really hard though when he crys and asks for it by name! If you figure it out, let me know! :)

  6. I feel your pain. Nae slept with her paci at nap & night only until 2 1/2. It was IMPOSSIBLE to get away from her but you know what…one day just one of them "cracked" and she said it was "broke" and she never asked for it again. Boom done. (of course we pretended they were ALL like that so we just threw the others away) I had been so stressed about taking it away leading up to that…we had tried many many times and just kept giving in. My lesson here is that--He WILL give it up. Try not to stress. As long as the dentist doesn't feel that its affecting his teeth (we got an ok from dentist that Nae's teeth were fine and not to push getting rid of it if we didn't want to)…
    Just trust me. I've never seen a child go to Kindergarten still sucking a paci. Looking back I'm so happy we didn't push Janae. She had so much more emotional and mental maturity when it finally happened that it was a smooth transition!

  7. I could have written this post. SOUNDS JUST LIKE US! haha (((No judgement here, mama))) We will figure it the mean time, we will enjoy this sweet time and want these paci days back on day ;)
    Team Paci ! ;)

    The McGuire Family

  8. Sofia was never really a fan of pacifiers and she only took one when she was really tired. I was a bit disappointed sometimes that I didn't get to see the whole cute pacifier in the mouth look, but I am happy for it too because we didn't have to wean her off of it. Breastfeeding however...was a different story. I think when the time comes Elliot will know when he's ready. Until then enjoy what makes your lives work and don't worry about anybody else, hunny.

  9. My boy is a little over 1 1/2 and still has his too! I feel your pain! And I totally agree with them being life savers at times. Definetly going to have to try the cutting the tip, good luck mama!

  10. I love his sweet face soooo much!

  11. No worries. He wont be sucking on a paci in the 5th grade. Let him roll how he wants! Hes adorable :) and if someone gives you a look, flip em the bird.

  12. Max is 2 and he still uses his.... we are trying to break him but it has been really hard. We are hoping once he starts daycare in a month we will be able to enforce it better. No worries girl!


Thank you for your sweet comments! :)

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