Friday, June 16, 2017


Father's Day is upon us and I wanted to tell you guys a little bit about my baby daddy aka father of my children. Maybe even brag about him a little if you'll let me.

This guy has been rocking it at this parenting thing. He is the most patient (way more than I am), most loving daddy to our kids. The crazy thing is, he didn't have a father figure most of his life. Everything he does, he puts his whole heart in it, and I truly believe it is because he wants to be there for his kids, to be everything he didn't have and because he's really a wonderful man.

The way he talks about them, talks to them, tells them he loves them, tells them about life, it warms my heart so much. He really is an incredible man and father and sometimes I don't give him the credit he deserves. We have hectic schedules and lives and don't slow down often enough, so here I am, trying to make up a little for those times.

He texts me pictures almost everyday that he either took the day before or goes back through his phone and sends me the ones when Elliot was a baby or Oliver was born along with a row of crying emojis. He tells me he almost cries when he looks at videos of them being so little and it makes me want to cry just hearing about it.

He stays with them every other Friday he has off from work and he tells me how much he loves that time with them as hard as it is. Sometimes he loses it (as do I) but I know he's doing the best he can and I love him for it.

When both of our kids were born, he was there to do most of the work and still does, I also don't tell him how much I appreciate this very often, and I should.

Seeing him the way he loves our kids made me look at him and love him in an entirely different way. Their little eyes light up when they see him and I wish I could relive those moments over and over. I'm sure others mamas can agree with me. He says that he is this way because time is fleeting and he knows they will grow up before we know it, and we have to enjoy every second as hard as it is sometimes.

Thank you Jack for being the best daddy and role model for our kids and for being on this parenthood ride with me! There's no one else I would rather do this with. We love you so much!!

Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there!!

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